


通过加入候补名单, you acknowledge you might be enrolled in that class without further notification, as well as your obligation to pay any fees resulting in your registration in the class. Being on a waitlist means that you are on a list of students who will be enrolled automatically in a class if seats become available and you meet all other requirements. 其他可能让你退学的要求有:

  • you are in another section of the same course and the course does not allow multiple enrollments in the same semester;
  • you have another class on your schedule and the time of that class conflicts with the waitlisted class;
  • 进入课堂需要教师的许可.

这意味着如果你在候补名单上, 有座位了, 你符合所有的要求,可以进入这门课, 你将在不另行通知的情况下被选入该课程. 你不会因为在候补名单上而被收费, but you will be charged if you are subsequently enrolled in that class and the additional enrollment results in an increase in what your fees should be. 

Being on a waitlist does not mean you will necessarily be enrolled in a class. 并不是所有在候补名单上的学生都能进入这些课程. This could be because they don't meet some additional requirements (as described above) or simply because seats do not become available for the classes. You should not assume you will be enrolled in a class for which you waitlist.


Classes that have waitlists available will be identified in 课程 with a class note indicating a waitlist is available. 另外, a class that has a waitlist available will be identified in the My俄亥俄州学生中心 by a "Wait list if class is full" checkbox. If a class has a class note in 课程 indicating it has a waitlist, 但是“如果班级已满,则等待列表”复选框没有出现, 这意味着该课程的候补名单已经满了.e.,候补名单上没有更多的名额了).


A class that has a waitlist available will be identified in the My俄亥俄州学生中心 by a "Waitlist if class is full" checkbox. 要加入候补名单,请勾选该方框 之前 将类添加到购物车中. 在那之后, 当您尝试注册课程时, you will be placed on the waitlist automatically if the class is full and you meet the requisites for the class. 



To be added to the waitlist, click on the class in your shopping cart. Once the class information shows, you will be able to check the box "Waitlist if class is full.复选框选中后,选择next. 然后,您将被引导回到您的购物车. 你需要完成课程的注册.

Will I be notified if I get into a class for which I was on a waitlist?

是的. 如果有空位,并且您符合所有其他要求, 你将自动注册为这门课的学生. You will also receive an email confirmation of the class being added to your semester schedule.


No. 你不会因为在班级候补名单上而被收费. 然而, you will be charged if you are enrolled in a class from a waitlist. 通过加入候补名单, you acknowledge you might be enrolled in that class without further notification, as well as your obligation to pay any fees resulting in your registration in the class.


Undergraduate students can be on the waitlist for a maximum of 12 credit hours. 

Graduate students can be on the waitlist for a maximum of nine (9) credit hours.


The last day to add yourself to a waitlist for a full semester class is the Friday of the first week of the semester. 此日期将根据灵活安排的课程而有所不同.


You can check your waitlist position on your class schedule in the My俄亥俄州学生中心. Keep in mind even if you are in waitlist position 1, you might not get into the class.

When is the last day I might get enrolled in a class from the waitlist?

The last day students will be enrolled in classes from waitlists for full semester classes is the Friday of the first week of the semester. 此日期将根据灵活安排的课程而有所不同. 在此日期之后,课程的候补名单将被清除. You will never be enrolled in a class from a waitlist after the last day to add the class, 如课程所示.

然而, after the Friday of the first week of the semester (or equivalent for flexibly scheduled classes), 当候补名单被清除的时候, a class permission request will be created automatically for students who are still on the waitlist. Instructors will have the opportunity to review and approve or deny these requests 之前 the last day to add the class.

Should I get on a waitlist course if I'm in one section and want to be in a different one?

If you are enrolled in one section of a course and are on the waitlist for another section of the same course, you will not be enrolled automatically unless the course allows multiple enrollments in the same semester (i.e., the course is repeatable) or you used the Swap function to get on the waitlist. 使用Swap功能可以让您在课程的等待名单上, and have another class (already on your schedule) be dropped only if the waitlisted class becomes available (i.e., you will be dropped from the first class and added to the new one if a spot becomes available and all other criteria are met). 然而, you should not use the Swap feature for multiple component courses (i.e.讲座/实验、讲座/讨论等.), since swapping for a multiple component course will drop you from the original section and put you on the waitlist for the new one (i.e.,你将失去原来的座位).

我在一个班级的候补名单上,但是我看到还有空位. 为什么我还没被录取?

There are several reasons you might not be enrolled in a class even if there are seats open. 当学生退课时, you are not enrolled from the waitlist immediately - the process can take up to 30 minutes to enroll students from waitlists. 其他可能让你退学的要求有:

  • you are in another section of the same course and the course does not allow multiple enrollments in the same semester;
  • you have another class on your schedule and the time of that class conflicts with the waitlisted class;
  • 进入课堂必须得到老师的许可;
  • the hours for the class you are waitlisted will take you over the maximum allowed hours without permission (20 hours for undergraduate students/18 hours for graduate students). If you intend to drop a class if you get enrolled in the waitlisted class then use the Swap feature when you add yourself to the waitlist.
Why is there no waitlist checkbox when 课程 says there is a waitlist available?

If a class has a class note in 课程 indicating it has a waitlist, 但是“如果班级已满,则等待列表”复选框没有出现, 这意味着这门课的候补名单已经满了.