

What is a priority registration advising hold?

优先注册建议暂停阻止本科生进行自助注册, 允许指导老师要求学生在注册前与他或她见面. 羁留可以通过学院解除 & 咨询中心, 哪一种方法可立即使学生在预约注册时间或之后获得注册资格, 假设学生的账户上没有其他阻止注册的持有.

What information about my advisees does the Advisee List display?

The advisee list has two basic views: simple and detailed. 在简单视图中, students are listed as simple table rows with columns including name, PID, 学术水平, 大学, 大/小/证书, 校园, 预约报名时间, and a description of your relationship to that student. 

单击放大镜图标将显示该学生的更详细信息, 包括照片, 首选名称(如有), 主要目录年份, 留校察看情况(如有), will display more detailed information about the student, 包括照片, 首选名称(如有), 主要目录年份, 留校察看情况(如有), 平均绩点, 电子邮件地址, 尝试/获得学时(季度和学期), 如适用), 上学期入学, 电话号码, 学术生涯(本科), 研究生, 或医学), 毕业期限, 申请毕业学期, and name and 电子邮件地址 of the student's advisor(s).


There are also several icons that could appear next to each student. 请参阅下面的“我的建议列表上的图标意味着什么”,以了解每个图标的解释.


The lock icon indicates a student has a priority registration advising hold. To see only the students who still have advising holds, set the "Hold Released" drop-down box to "Not Released.屏幕将自动刷新. 请注意,这可能需要几秒钟,但您不需要刷新屏幕. 同样地,选择“已释放”将筛选到那些持有已被释放的人.

How do I release a priority registration advising hold?

A lock icon signifies a priority registration advising hold. 单击锁以释放该学生的优先注册通知保留. 对于没有优先注册建议持有的学生或您刚刚释放持有的学生,该锁将不会显示. 您也可以选中几个学生旁边的复选框,并使用“释放建议持有”按钮一次释放多个持有.


是的. By checking the boxes on the far left of the advisee list and choosing 放行通知货舱 按钮下面的列表,坚持下去 所有入选学生 即将发布. 通过点击 检查所有显示 每一个 将检查当前视图中的学生. 查看当前视图中有多少个, 查看建议列表左侧下方,找到“显示Z项的X到Y”.”也, 请注意,如果你试图在一个页面上检查多个学生,然后在你的列表中转到下一个建议(点击下一步或上一个), 例如), your previously checked advisees will be unchecked.

我可以给单个被推荐人发邮件吗? 多名顾问怎么样?

要给一个或多个顾问发送电子邮件,只需勾选方框,就像您要释放多个hold并选择 邮件发送给入选学生 按钮就在被推荐人列表下面. On the following page you have the option to add To, CC or BCC 地址随意. 同样,您可以将电子邮件的主题从默认消息更改为您选择的主题. 还可以制作多个附件. 您添加到邮件列表的学生的电子邮件地址将显示在左侧. 单击其中一个将允许您使用您选择的电子邮件客户端直接向该学生发送电子邮件.


个人顾问可以通过点击位于学生姓名左侧的图标来访问dar报告. 这将引导您进入一个页面,允许您查看所有学生的dar报告.

How do I enter exceptions (substitutions, waivers, 等.)?

进入dar例外的访问是有限的. Dean-level approval is needed to access the tools necessary to process exceptions. Individuals with appropriate access may contact the dar Team at dar@俄亥俄州.edu to schedule exception processing training and consult the dar异常手册 了解更多信息.

在我的顾问的账户上还有其他的保留. 这些是什么,我可以释放它们吗?

学生可能有注册时间,而不是优先注册建议时间. 在学院 & 咨询中心允许您为指定的顾问释放优先注册咨询保留. 点击感叹号图标将允许您查看其他货舱的描述(通常包括联系信息), but you may not release them unless you have access to do so through PeopleSoft. 应指导学生参观他们的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 了解更多信息 regarding how to rectify these holds, or you can provide them with the details of the holds.


是的, photos are available by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. 

Why are students on my list without enrollment appointments?

如果学生在即将到来的注册学期有预约,那么入学预约会出现在你的顾问名单上.e., the student is intending to register for the upcoming semester). 如果学生没有预约,但打算下学期上课,应与大学教务处联系, or if he/she believes the 预约报名时间 is incorrect.

Why does the same student appear on my list more than once?

如果你是指导老师, it is possible that you are advising that student in more than one major, 或者大调和小调都有. 另外, 如果学生攻读多个专业,学院/系/校区的指定人员可能会多次会见学生, 未成年人, 和/或证书.


The relationship field displays your relationship to that student. If you are a 帽 advisor for a student, the relationship field would display . Likewise, if you are a 大学 staff member, it would display the 大学 code. 您可以使用“关系”列顶部的下拉菜单将列表筛选为仅与您有特定关系的学生.e.,过滤掉帽或大学学院顾问,只查看你的学术顾问).


Most information in the advisee list is updated approximately 每一个 four hours. 然而,所有持有的信息都是实时的. 这包括优先注册通知保留和其他注册保留信息.

There are no students showing on my advisee list. 我该怎么办呢??

首先试着重置你的过滤器. 单击 重置 按钮,位于被推荐人列表右侧(Excel导出按钮旁边),或者位于被推荐人列表左下方较小的重置按钮. 这将重置您的视图为默认值,并显示与您有关系的所有顾问. If this does not rectify the problem, try restarting your browser.

如果问题仍然存在,请拨打740.593.4182或电邮 registration@俄亥俄州.edu.


有几个可能的图标,可以显示在你的建议名单上的每个学生旁边. 每个图标的简要说明可在建议列表页面的顶部,也作为悬停提示文本. 以下是其他说明:

Click on to view additional student information.
表明学生有优先注册建议保留他/她的记录. Click on the icon to release a priority registration advising hold.
表明学生的记录中有一个或多个额外的保留,这将阻止注册. Click on the icon to view detailed information about the hold(s).
学生完成了TDCP. 点击图标查看TDCP.
Indicates the student is identified as being a part of a special 人口. Click on the icon to view the special 人口 information. 目前, 第一代学生, 运动员, 退伍军人福利, and 俄亥俄州 Honors program students are the 人口s identified.
第一代学生:任何在他/她的入学申请中表明父母或监护人没有获得大学学位的学生. 因为这些信息取决于学生填写的入学申请, 当申请完成时, not all 第一代学生 will be identified. 例如, 家长学位信息并不总是在申请时收集.
Athlete: This student is part of a Division I intercollegiate athletics team.
退伍军人福利: The student is receiving veterans educational benefits. This may or may not mean the student is a veteran.
No 建议指出 currently exist for this student. Click this icon to add 建议指出 for this student. Please note that by adding an advising note in this system, the note becomes part of the student's official education record. 任何人都可以在这个系统中查看这个学生的信息.e., an advisor for another major can see you note, 如果学生换专业, 这张纸条会留在学生身边, 等.), and the student may request to view these notes at any time. This should only be used for notes related to academic advising, 而且通常不适合包含诸如医疗信息之类的内容.
Indicates 建议指出 exist for this student. 点击图标查看建议笔记.


I want to contact my advisees, but only the ones enrolled this semester. 我该怎么做呢?

To see a list of advisees enrolled only for the current semester, you can use the Enrolled Term filter at the top of the advisees list. 通过选择列表中的一个术语, you can filter your advisees to only those enrolled in the selected term.


咨询笔记是跟踪学生咨询课程信息的一种可选方式. 你可以使用建议笔记来记录一些事情,比如你建议学生选了哪门选修课, 学生正在考虑什么专业, agreements you made about how the student will improve study techniques, 等.

Please note that by adding an advising note in this system, the note becomes part of the student's official education record. 任何人都可以在这个系统中查看这个学生的信息.e., an advisor for another major can see your note, 如果学生换专业, 这张纸条会留在学生身边, 等.), and the student may request to view these notes at any time. This should only be used for notes pertaining to academic advising, 而且通常不适合包含诸如医疗信息之类的内容.


Not all students you have ever advised are included on your advisee list. Only the most current students are on your list. 这包括可能注册(i)的学生.e., are term activated in PeopleSoft) for the current term or any future terms, 以及任何申请毕业的学生(但尚未记录授予/拒绝决定).